Sunday, November 2, 2014

011 Civics Possible Questions O--Level Necta 2014

Q1. “ Work  and   Development    are   two   sides   of  the    same   coin”. Elaborate  six  importance  of  work.
{NECTA 2011}
WORK  is Physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something.
DEVELOPMENT  is  The systematic use of scientific and technical knowledge to meet specific objectives or requirements.

Why is work important?
{1}.One of the most important aspects of work is that it provides a person the income necessary to meet basic living needs, according to The Youthhood. Work also gives people a sense of identify and a feeling of accomplishing activities that contribute to society.
{2}WorkWithoutLimits points out that work is a major element of how people view themselves. It allows a person to gain or develop skills they wouldn't have without a career. Working also contributes to feelings of self-respect and pride. Careers provide a central talking point for a person when interacting with family and friends. Jobs may also provide social opportunities.

Q 2.Show   six  efforts  made   since  independence  to   promote   and  preserve national  culture  in  Tanzania. { NECTA  2013}

{1}.Establishment of   the  Ministry  of  Education  and  Culture.
{2}.Formation   of  BASATA{National  Arts  Promotion}.
{3}.Formation   of  BAKITA{National  Swahili  council }.
{4}.Weating   of    descent  clothes  refer  1970”s  campaign  against  mini-skirts, tight  trousers.
{5}.Radio”s, TV  having  special  programmes , for  example  MUZIKI ASLIA.
{6}. Teaching of  Swahili  in  all  subjects  at   primary   level , also   SWAHILI  to be taught  in  secondary  school  as  a  subject.
{7}.Swahili  being  an  official   language   that  is  offices{govt} ,courts, parliament  session etc.
{8}.UPE { Universal  Primary  Education}—free  education   for  all.
{9}.Change  of   syllabus ---materials  taught  was  to  be   relevant  to  Tanzanians , for  example  Civics , Political Education.
{10}.Traditional  medicine  is   given emphasis  that  is  special  department  has  been  opened  at   Muhimbili  Hospital.
{11}.Formation  of  various  traditional  dancers  groups, for  example  MUUNGANO, TOT.
Q 3. “To  a  great  extent, the  road  accidents  in  Tanzania  are   man  made “ Justify  this  statement  by  giving  five  points.{ NECTA  2011}


What are the most common causes of road accidents?

Around 400 people a year are killed in crashes in which someone exceeds the speed limit or drives too fast for the conditions.
{2}.Drink Driving
Around 280 people die a year in crashes in which someone was over the legal drink drive limit.
{3}.Seat Belt Wearing
Around 300 lives each year could be saved if everyone always wore their seat belt.
{4}.Careless Driving
Around 300 deaths a year involve someone being "careless, reckless or in a hurry", and a further 125 involve "aggressive driving".
Around one third of fatal and serious road crashes involve someone who was at work.
More than 400 people are killed in crashes involving young car drivers aged 17 to 24 years, every year, including over 150 young drivers, 90 passengers and more than 170 other road users.
{7}.Failed to Look Properly
40% of road crashes involve someone who 'failed to look properly'.
{8}.Loss of Control
One third of fatal crashes involved 'loss of control' of a vehicle.
{9}.Failed to Judge Other Person's Path/Speed
One in five crashes involve a road user failing to judge another person's path or speed.

Q 4.Give  six  points  to  elaborate  the  importance  of  studying  civics. 
{ NECTA 2012}
·  civics--the study of civic affairs and the duties and rights of citizenship
Civics is the study of the great theoretical and practical aspects of citizenship, its rights and duties; the duties of citizens to each other as members of a political body and to the government. It includes the study of civil law and civil code, and the study of government with attention to the role of citizens ― as opposed to external factors ― in the operation and oversight of government.
Civics is the study of people's social, cultural, political and economic
development. The study of Civics will also help you know the
principles of civic duties and rights as a responsible citizen. Civics is divided into three parts namely:Political Economic
Social and Cultural.

Civics is a subject that touches everyperson’s life. It teaches the value of
being an active citizen in the community.It teaches the importance of taking
part in politics and helping to choosethe leaders of local, state and national
government. It teaches how lawsshape society and how they protect
individuals. It teaches how the rightsgranted by government come with
responsibilities not to abuse those rights.The word “civics” is based on
an ancient Latin word “civicus,”which means “of a citizen

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