Sunday, April 13, 2014


HOW    TO  STUDY    FOR    A   MATH    EXAM.

Many people try to study for math in the same way they would study for a history exam: by simply memorizing formulas and equations the way they would memorize facts and dates. While knowing formulas and equations is important, the best way to learn them is by using them. That's the great thing about math - you can do math. You can't simply "do history."


  1. Study for a Math Exam Step 1.jpg
    Attend class every day. Listen and pay attention to the material. Math is typically more visual than other subjects due to the equations and problem solving.
    • Jot down any example problems from the session/class. When you review your notes later on, you will have a better knowledge of the specific lesson that was taught, rather than relying on your textbook.
    • Ask your teacher any questions that you might have before the day of the exam. The teacher might not tell you specifically what is going to be on the exam, but he or she may give you helpful guidance if you don't understand. Not only will they show you how to do the problem, but a teacher who has seen you before and knows who you are will be more willing to help you in the future (or maybe even cut you a little slack if your grade is borderline).
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    Read the text. Make sure you read all of the text and not just the examples. Textbooks often include proofs of the formulas that they expect you to know; this is useful for truly understanding the material and why it works.
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    Do homework problems. Most classes have assigned, or at least suggested, problems that the teacher feels are most useful. A lot of exam problems are extremely similar to homework problems; sometimes they are even exactly the same.
    • Try to find other problems that are similar to those that were assigned for homework. Take this opportunity to finish off an entire page if the assigned homework was a portion of that (for example, if the homework was to do the odd-numbered problems, do the even ones too).
    • Do as many problems as you can so that you can get as much practice as possible and become familiar with the different problem set ups. #Try to find out various ways to tackle a certain problem. For example, with systems of equations, you can solve them by either substitution, elimination, or graphing. Graphing is best used when you can utilize a calculator (e.g TI-84+ or TI-83) as you are more likely to get the correct answer. However, if you can't use one, then either use substitution or elimination based on the question (some are solved easier by x method than y), or determine which way is easier for you to do. This is better than becoming adept at one method, which may let you down when the time comes to take a test.
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    Join a study group. Different people see concepts in different ways. Something that you have difficulty understanding may come easily to a study partner. Having his/her perspective on a concept may help you to comprehend it.
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    Have someone make up problems for you to work out. Get them to draw out similar examples from your textbook or ideas from online sources and reveal the answers to you if you're finished or seriously stuck on them. Don't try to create your own study sheet since you're not challenging yourself enough.
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    Know that teachers will go back into the past. Even if you're studying for a chapter or two, they may "polish" your skills and come up with math problems that you studied a while back or at the beginning of the term.
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    Try to buy workbooks of maths and try the questions it will give you extra knowledge. And you may face that problem next day.        


  • It is often useful to understand how a formula is derived rather than just memorizing it. Things will make more sense, and it is often easier to remember just a few simple formulas and how to derive more complicated ones from them.
  • Solve problems. In this way, you have the tendency to understand and realize the formulas and the given problems. You can solve the problems that have been given to you. Solve some problems even if you don't know the answer and let someone check it for you.
  • If math is something you find boring and not worth studying for, speak to your family and decide on a reward if you get over a certain percentage in the exam. That way you have an incentive to do well.
  • Make sure that when you are understanding the math problems, you aren't just doing them. You have to understand them and if you have the slightest doubt, you should ask a teacher or an advisor.
  • Study all day before the test after homework.
  • If you find math boring, give yourself incentives to finish problems. For example, promise yourself you'll treat yourself to some cookies, half an hour of your favourite programme etc after you finish 20 sums. You could also race your friends in finishing the sums if you can manage group studying.
  • Start studying 2 months before the exam and do not wait till the last minute. As for the day before the exam, do not be stressed and just relax. Clear your mind when you sleep and you will definitely do well.
  • Just calm down and think positive, be confident that you can do it.
  • Sleep for 7-9 hours to keep your mind fresh and perform calculations mentally.
  • Ask your teacher if your math book has an online website. Sometimes online texbooks can help by providing quizzes and additional instructional material.
  • Start studying while you still have time to go to a professor or teacher for answers if you need to. If you start studying too late, you leave yourself with no options or opportunities to study.
  • If you need help ask your teacher or a classmate.
  • Do not rely on your teacher to make you understand a concept or a problem. You will never get it and you might feel that the teacher is being rude by not bringing down the question to your level of understanding. Instead, do it all by yourself, start to finish. Some questions are so tricky, they almost always have to be memorized, so mark them and revise them again and again before an exam so that it is well set in your mind.
  • In all math tests, the toughest questions that you encounter while preparing are the ones asked in the test, prepare by reviewing study guides, other tests, homework, and other papers regarding the things covered before the test
  • Try to enjoy math. Feel happy and satisfied when you manage to finish a problem and then proceed to the next sum.
  • Relax and start by doing the easiest problems first, that way you can have more time focussing on the harder problems.
  • Make sure to drink lots of water and have a small snack before you study. This will stimulate your brain and will help you memorize and work on your math concepts.
  • Just play and enjoy! Don't be scared of someone like tutor, etc. At the last day of preparation study more and more. But don't be stressed at the exam day or you will be fail.
  • Form a creative study group based on education and a bit of social discussion.


  • Do not do all of your studying at one time. Be sure to take breaks and let the information sink in a little before going back to studying.
  • Don't be tempted to use a calculator when solving problems. In fact, you should practice the basics - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Practice them as often as possible with random numbers. However, once you get to harder things, a calculator probably will be required to do your homework.
  • Don't look up the answer as soon as you get stuck on a problem. Struggling with it for some time will be much more beneficial, because you may find a new way to understand the problem. Even if in the end you need to look up the answer anyway.
  • Do not just try to find example problems that emulate homework problems. Try to understand why certain steps are taken. If the professor likes to be tricky (many do), knowing the example problems will not be very helpful, but truly understanding the material will. There are a few clues in the question and you have to solve the question with the given materials.




Nothing instills fear and anxiety in the minds of students like a big test. Wanting to study is one thing, but it can be difficult to without the proper guidance. It's important to build good study skills early in your schooling career--skills which will carry you throughout. Fortunately, studying is an issue faced at all levels of school by all students, so you can find help. Read below the jump to get started.


  1. Study for an Approaching Exam Step 1.jpg
    Calm down. Keep in mind that if you have a decent attendance rate, and did a reasonable job doing your assignments, you actually have a lot of knowledge already. This main knowledge will help you throughout your test.
    • Don't panic. Panic will only make your situation worse. You will be focusing on the horror, and not the upcoming test. Many times, panic can even deter your chances of doing well on the exam. If you panic, take deep breaths (try not to hyperventilate), and think that you can do this.
    • You're smart enough to realize you need to study days in advance. While some people study the day before, and some people always study this way, realize that last-minute cramming is not the ideal way to study, especially not for the sake of long-term retention of the subject matter. Also make sure not to study too much! Take some breaks for about 5-10 minutes.
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    Determine what material needs to be covered. Most exams cover specific subjects and material, and it's important to know which material or components you need to study. Otherwise, you may be using your precious remaining study time incorrectly. Ask your teacher about the subjects you'll be tested on and which chapters you need to cover. For example: What period in African history? Are diagrams important? Ask your teacher if you're unclear, as they want you to succeed.
    • Study the most important topics first. Exams usually cover a few core ideas, concepts, or skills. When pinched for time, focus your energies on the very important bits you'll be tested on, rather than scattering your studies everywhere. Review sheets, the highlighted topics in textbooks, and the parts your teacher stressed repeatedly are all clues as to what the most important topics or components are.
    • Find out how the test will be presented. What types of questions will be on it (multiple choice, essay, word problem, etc.)? Find out how much each section is worth. If you do not know, ask the teacher. This will help you know what the most important sections will be, and how the exam will be presented.
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    Make a study plan. It may seem like a basic and simple task, but people who make a detailed study plan often have an easier time with studying and they find they have more time to relax and chill. When making a study plan, build in the amount of time you have left before the exam date. Is the exam in a month? Did the teacher spring the test on you suddenly? Is it a mid year exam that has been building since the start of the year? Depending on the time frame, make your study plan long or short.
    • Determine what subjects you don't know as much about and include more study sessions on these topics. The aspects you know more about still need reviewing, but they will come easier, so try to focus on the more challenging topics.
    • Plan your time. It's tempting to put everything off until the night before the test. Instead, figure out how much time you will put aside each day for study. Remember to account for breaks. A good rule is: study for a half-hour, have a break for ten minutes.
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    Figure out your study methods. Study methods include using colors, pictures and brainstorm or mind map pages. Some people learn and remember things better if they're in certain colors whereas other people may remember diagrams and pictures more easily. Use the method that works for you; as long as it's effective, it doesn't matter what it is. It's no use reading a ton of text if your study method is diagrams. Remember, everyone has different methods to study, what works for your best friend may not work for you.
    • Use tools that will help you to study. Tools like flash cards may be boring, but really help memorize important things. If flash cards don't seem to help, typing out an outline of your notes may work.
    • Tape flash cards in random places to quiz yourself. This is a good way to sneak in study time, as discussed below.
    • Remember to study smarter, not harder.
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    Take notes and ask questions. It's never too late, and the sessions before the exam are usually for review, which is just what you need. If you're studying and happen to come across a part you can't understand, write it down. Ask your teacher either during class or during office hours. And don't worry – you aren't dumb if you ask questions. Questions mean that you're actively paying attention, and you're learning. Besides, a question ahead of time could mean a better grade on the exam.
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    Find your resources. Your textbook, notes, online sources, classmates, teachers, and possibly your family members can all be of use. Old assignments are especially good, as some exams have questions directly off homework.
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    Ask for help. You don't get bonus points for doing it alone. Classmates can be helpful in studying, but choose someone who will really help you, not the friend you tend to goof off with. Ask help from your parents or siblings; they may really appreciate being asked. Younger siblings especially like "quizzing" older brothers or sisters!
    • Form a study group. Not only do you have additional help, you also have the advantage of studying with people you know well. However, avoid accepting those that will be of no help, and only distract your whole group from studying. Don't be rude and reject everyone whom you don't like, but do be cautious about who you add to your study group!
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    Memorize as much as possible. The key to top performance is the ability to memorize all relevant materials. There are tricks for helping to memorize, otherwise called mnemonics. These can include, for instance, poetic or rhyming mnemonics for the auditory learner, visual imagery and fantasy for the visual learner, dance or movement for the kinesthetic learner (as muscles have memory), or some combination. Repetition is another form of memorization that is most commonly used. It allows for high recall if practiced in regular intervals. Practice it even beyond the point at which your memory recall is instantaneous, because this serves as a form of reinforcement.
    • A common mnemonic is HOMES for the Great Lakes. Another one is drawing stick figures to represent vocabulary words (like a good reason for drawing cartoons!). Create your own mnemonics that suit your needs.
    • Try rewriting down your notes to study. This is an effective way to memorize.
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    Sneak in study time. Short, repeated periods of study are often more effective than long periods of study. Go over your flash cards while waiting for the bus. Look over a diagram of the spleen while waiting for your breakfast. Read an important quote from "Macbeth" while brushing your teeth. Review the information during study halls or extra time at lunch.
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    Reward yourself. It can help to have a reward to strive for in meeting your goal. Have rewards in place for study milestones and for achieved results, in increasing value to you.
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    Organize yourself for the test. Be sure you have what you need for the test the night before. If you need a No. 2 pencil, a calculator, a German dictionary, or any other supplies, you must have them. The more put-together you are, the calmer you will be, and the more likely you will do well. Be sure your alarm clock is set, so you won't oversleep.
    • If you're allowed to take food in, take some jelly babies for a sugary hit, but it's best to stick to healthy fruit and vegetables. Apple or carrots make an easy snack that will help replenish your brain power.
    • Take a bottle of water with no stickers or labels (these could raise suspicions that you're hiding answers on them).
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    Eat properly. Good nutrition is vital for optimal thinking. Try to stay away from high sugar and fatty foods such as ice-cream and cookies. Replace sweet sugary drinks with a cool glass of water or a fresh juice or milk.
    • Have a "brain" meal the night before. Fish makes a great meal the night before, as it is nutrition for your brain. Try eating some fresh vegetables and pasta with the fish.
    • Eat a good breakfast. It will keep your mind alert. An example of a good breakfast is a glass of juice, an egg, toast, and cheese. If you do have to eat a bowl of cold cereal, make sure it's wholesome and whole-grain, not a sugary brand, or you may experience a 'crash' during the test.
    • Avoid drinking coffee, as this will only keep you up and provide you a sugar rush. Once the caffeine has worn out, you won't be able to keep your eyes open. Taking a test while you're drowsy is a no-no, so avoid intake of caffeine or any other foods too close to bedtime. All that digesting will keep you awake at night.
    • Be careful about making any abrupt eating changes; eat what you would normally eat on a regular school day in order to not disrupt your digestive patterns.
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    Get enough sleep before the big day. This step is extremely important and cannot be skipped. Without sleep, your chances of doing well on the test quickly lower, because your brain can't focus on what it needs to.
    • If you can't get to sleep, try some warm milk or tea, but be sure there is no caffeine in your drink!
    • Do not alter your sleeping patterns. Go to sleep at your regular time in order to keep your sleeping patterns regular.
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    Turn up ready for the test. Set your alarm clock in the morning; arrive on time or even a few minutes early. If it's a test that requires registration, fees, identification and the like, schedule extra time for that.
    • Keep a positive attitude! Studying lots, but thinking you can't really ace that exam, will reduce your chances of succeeding. See yourself as acing it, relying on all the preparation and attention you've given your studies to this point. Confidence is the key!
    • Aim high. Don't just aim to pass the test (if passing the test is quite easy), aim to get an A+. This way, you get a better grade. Plus, if you don't do as well on the next test, your A+ will still keep your overall grade high enough.


  • If you were absent a day, and missed notes, diagrams, maps, etc., don't wait until the day before or even the test day to get these. Get the information in the time you have!
  • If the teacher writes certain points on the board, this is usually an important indicator of what will be tested, and you should write it down as well.
  • Study in a neat, tidy area, not a cluttered, papers-flying-around place. Have everything in order. Sharpen your pencils and get your erasers, pens, rulers, math-set etc.
  • Avoid listening to music while trying to fall asleep, as this will only keep your mind active and prevent you from going to sleep!
  • Sucking on a peppermint while studying will stimulate your mind, making it easier for you to remember the facts you need to know.
  • Friends are not always a reliable source for notes. Get the notes from the teacher instead. The point of notes are to take down what you think will be important. Your friend and you may have a very different idea of what is important from the information.
  • Don't keep looking at a phone, iPod etc! It is just a distraction when you are revising; you will definitely be tempted to text friends, listen to music, play games etc.
  • When revising, try looking at past papers. Although it is unlikely that the same question will be asked, it allows you to test your knowledge, work on exam techniques and most importantly your timing!
  • Some study guides the teacher gives you will not give you questions that will be in the test, but rather aspects that will be in the test, which you should have notes on. If you don't have notes on something, ask the teacher! Don't wait around wondering.
  • Sometimes, listening to music while studying may help, but be cautious of the types of songs you choose. While classical music is an excellent choice, loud rock or songs that contain lyrics in them will not only distract you, but also prevent you from remembering the answers you need to know!
  • It is sometimes assumed you just know how to study, but it's a learned skill. Ask your teacher, guidance counselor, and parents for these services if you think you may need extra help. If you feel lost about it, remember that you are not the only one.
  • If you find that you still have trouble falling asleep, be sure you have eliminated all possible sources of light. Close all curtains and switch off any appliances that will produce light. Nightlights are not recommended for those that have trouble falling asleep with light.
  • You mustn't procrastinate. You will not do your best on the exam if you do, and procrastination is a serious problem for some.
  • Keep in your mind that you are smart and no one is better then you. Be confident. If you study well as recommended, you'll achieve your goals.


  • In some cases, friends may not always be the best with studying. If you miss questions on an assignment which you can use to study for the test, your best bet is to ask a teacher about the question you missed. Studying the wrong answer is one of the worst things you can do to study for the test.
  • As for procrastination, do not use the "I'm going to study after..." because this is simply procrastination in poor disguise.
  • Avoid cramming; it's not a good study habit. Next time, study consistently over the school year.
  • Don't study so hard that by the time you see the answers your mind blanks out because you studied too hard before the exams and you're too stressed out to function. "Studying hard" doesn't mean studying to the point of utter exhaustion.
  • Don't stay up too late studying. When faced with lack of time, study the main details only that sum up the information. If you stayed up all night and learned the material, you can still do poorly as a result of lack of sleep.
  • Commercial notes like "Cliff Notes" may be appropriate study aids, but realize they're not substitutes for your own notes.
  • Study groups can turn into a social event rather than academic discipline. It can help to have an adult monitor your studying, even if it's a helpful parent.
  • Never cheat on a test no matter how desperate you are. Listen to your conscience. It can be worse to be caught cheating on a test than failing a class. You won't feel as good as you should if you pass the test. Aim to walk out of that classroom with pride, knowing you did your best. This is far better than false pride, and having to shove aside the thought that you cheated.
  • Never say "I will study". When you say this, at that moment you'll only start studying.

Things You'll Need

  • Materials to study with
  • A good study area
  • A fresh mind to start studying