Thursday, May 29, 2014


Do you want to be the head of your class, improve your grades, or just do the best work you can? Getting A+s in school is important to get into the most competitive colleges. If you would like to learn how, this article has a ton of tips to help!


  1. 1
    Be confident. Being confident is one of the important steps for success. If you think you can't do it or that you're dumb, you're more likely to not do as well.
  2. 2
    Read the entire text carefully. You should know every single nook and corner. Use active reading techniques and take your time. It's also helpful to take notes, whether your teacher asked you to or not.
  3. 3
    Practice makes perfect. Practice more questions and sums (if any). Test yourself periodically and review the information that doesn't come to you right away.
  4. 4
    Read beyond the text. You should know everything both from the book and outside. Find additional sources to read up on, and ask experts about the topic questions.
  5. 5
    Highlight important points in readings and notes. That way, when you go back to study, you'll see them and study them first.
  6. 6
    Revise, Revise, Revise. Revise all what you have studied before the finals so far. Make changes to your notes as you go along and add to them as fit.
  7. 7
    Clarify doubts. Go to your teacher or instructor to clarify all of your doubts. You don't want to lose points because you weren't sure what to do and did it wrong!
  8. 8
    Ask questions. No question is too nerdy or dumb. If you're too embarrassed, ask your teacher at the end of class.
  9. 9
    Get a tutor (if needed). Even if you are doing well in the subject, a tutor can help you do even better.
  10. 10
    Study in groups. Try to study with your friends / classmates. Make sure they're all devoted students and aren't too crazy, or else you might get off topic.
  11. 11
    Use time wisely. Never waste it. Each minute is priceless in these hard times of finals. Use every moment you can to study or do homework- the last five minutes of class, the bus ride home, any dead time you have is crucial.

Things You'll Need

  • Your Text Book.
  • Highlighter
  • Teacher / tutor
  • Friends / classmates

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