Thursday, May 1, 2014


Physics Course Objectives and Target Learners
It is expected that at the end of this course, students should be able to:
·     Acquire the appropriate skills in science and technology;
·     Apply the physics knowledge obtained in solving physical problems
·     Explain, interpret and demonstrate physics concept, principle and laws. 
· Choice of Instructional Materials
The study materials for this course are not contained in one book. However the following books can he used:
·     A·F. Abbott, Ordinary Level Physics;
· Nelkon,Fundamentats of Physics;
Institute of Education,
Physics for Secondary Schools Book I to IV and
Tom Duncan
G.C.S.E. Physics.
In addition to this, a list of recent books suitable for this course will be published from time to time.
In selecting instructional and study materials, the teacher is expected to apply his or her academic and professional knowledge and skills in judging the suitability of the hook.
Methods Of Teaching and Learning
A physics teacher is advised to employ "activity teaching meth­ods" and problem solving approach. In the former method, the students should he encouraged to participate actively in: observing, hypothesizing, inferring, classifying, predicting, experimenting collecting and interpreting data and drawing conclusion. On the other hand, problem-solving approach include discovery, student projects and educational visits. However, the teachers will be free to use any other teaching method (e.g. exposure teaching method) considered effective according to certain circumstances in promoting learning.

The teachers are advised to administer formative tests at the end of each topic in the syllabus in order to diagnose the leaning prob­lems of their students. The results of these test should be to group or individual remedial instruction whenever necessary. Tests and examinations will serve as a means of identifying the topics or sub­topic which need further teaching improvement . 
Note that this syllabus can he completed effectively if the instructional time is observed.
Specific Objectives for Teaching Physics Form III
It is expected that at the end of Form III, course, students should be:
1.     Able to apply the knowledge of astronomy in telling direction and for navigation purposes.
2.     Able to make simple domestic wiring and
3.     Apply electricity for heating and lighting
a. Introduction  to astronomy
b. Solar System
c. Contellations
d. The Earth and the Moon
a. Resistance to electric current
b. Heating effect of an electric current
      i.Laws of  heating
      ii.Electrical Power
c.Domestic Electricity
      i.Fuses and cables
      ii.Electrical Installation of a House
d.Chemical Effect of an Electrical Current
      ii.First Law of Electrolysis
      iii. Application of Electrolysis
      i.Dry Leclanche cell (dry cell)
      ii.Lead-acid  accumulator

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