Sunday, June 12, 2016


I was recently reading an article on the website of a Nigerian newspaper and was amazed by a recent news item in that country.

Apparently, the minister of information, an Al-hajj said in part and I quote, “..the federal government made cash recoveries totaling N78,325,354,631.82; US $185,119,584.61; 3,508,355.46 pounds sterling and 11,250 euros from 29th May 2015 to 25th May 2016. I can tell you that this is just a tip of the iceberg...” Recovered means the money was lost, right?
Maybe it accidentally fell from government coffers to unknown accounts in foreign or local banks and deposit boxes. And maybe Prezzo Buhari came to power and created a lost and found deposit box so now whenever the current government finds ‘lost money’ it automatically lands there.
Perhaps the 78.3 billion naira were recovered locally while the $185 million was found in America and the 3.5 million pounds were lying somewhere in the now disunited kingdom that is trying to exit the European Union.
This is big money and if we are to believe the words of his Excellency Lai Mohammed, a lot more public money is still lost and awaiting recovery. It just goes to show that the bigger the national cake, the larger the slices that can magically disappear.
Imagine what Tanzania’s Magufuli can do with such money in the education sector. He has gained quite a following in Nigeria. And he can do quite a bit if we in Tanzania manage to recover lost monies in Swiss, British, American or other currency. Currently we are caught up in the government budget season, with all kinds of people weighing in regarding what the government should fund in education.
As if the government of the day is Santa Claus and Christmas came early. We are also in the month of Ramadan. Let us take to our hearts some spiritual lessons of the month such as being frugal, helping the ones in need and fostering the spirit of togetherness and brotherhood. Is this not the spirit that compels fasting folks to invite people of other faiths to share in the iftar? Some wealthier folks also organise and finance evening breakfast for those less endowed.
When I lived in Pakistan, I was invited to quite a few iftar gatherings. I must have added a few pounds of fat during the Ramadan over the years. Alas, my Tanzanian Muslim friends have not been as readily welcoming as my Pakistani hosts of yester years. Back to education.
Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, put a lot of emphasis on the importance of education, urging his daughters to seek knowledge even if that meant going to China for it. I believe any good moumeen would do whatever it takes to ensure his children receive the best education they can.
Perhaps in this holy month, clerics can urge their flock especially in peripheral provinces such as Mtwara, Lindi and Kigoma to ensure their children both male and female, go to school.
No government can drag your children to school even an overzealous provincial commissioner was to personally whip parents of truant kids or the police regularly arrest guardians of children sent to herd cattle and lamb. Is sending kids to school enough?
Absolutely not. There is a lot individuals and communities can do. When I was in junior primary school, the government abolished middle schools and expanded lower primary schools to accommodate more pupils and higher classes.
Did the Wachagga wait for government to build new classrooms? Not really. Even us pupils participated in collecting building materials such as sand and gravel from river Karanga for making bricks.
The wananchi provided the labour and materials like timber and cement. Now that education is free again, a few hundred thousand children who had previously been hidden from view, have shown up at school premises.
Existing structures cannot accommodate. It is time for whole villages to chip in. Those villages being served by a particular school must be mobilised to build more classrooms and toilet facilities.
As citizens we should not be waiting for government to do everything. We are part of governance. We have a wealth of retired civil servants with excellent knowledge, skills and patience to teach, especially in secondary and tertiary schools. When will the minister of education think outside the box of recruiting teachers from training colleges and education faculties?
I know I can teach and I am certain there are a few thousand Tanzanians like me who can lend their skills for the good of present and future generations of Watanzania.
Please create a formal mechanism that will allow district authorities and school leaders to recruit retired persons from near their schools. Recruiting temp teachers from neighbourhoods means the transport and accommodation issues will not be an issue for them.
This is something us citizens can do for education in Tanzania. Another teacher solution is to invite teachers from Kenya, Uganda, Malawi or even Zimbabwe to come and teach in Tanzania at local salaries. We are in the 21st century where goods and services are exchanged easily across borders.
If we keep crash training of more teachers to cover existing teacher shortages, we will end up with many who do not like teaching but are doing it as duty. We can train people to become teachers, but we cannot make them good teachers by more training.
The best teachers enjoy their work, they love teaching. Any of us can remember such teachers in each of our schools. Parents would know if their son or daughter loves teaching and/or has the ability to teach others.
If we love our Tanzania, we should encourage our bright kids to become teachers. Teaching is a noble and well respected profession. At least it used to be, not because teachers were highly paid, but because teachers moulded society by producing engineers, medics, soldiers and all other professionals.
It is time for every Tanzanian to invest in education. Our time, our money, our timber and bricks and our sons and daughters. God bless Tanzania.


PARENTS who intend to send their children to technical colleges have been advised to use the online system which was launched recently by the National Council for Technical Education (Nacte) to avoid joining bogus colleges.

“Students pursuing first degrees, diplomas and certificates in any recognized middle level colleges in the country will from now on be enrolled via the launched Central Admission System (CAS),” said Nacte acting Executive Secretary, Dr Adolf Rutayunga when launching the online registration system.

The online system showed fruitful results after years of being tested, and the authorities look forward to addressing the challenges that afflict students during the admission period.
“The new system will curb the use of forged certificates, whereby you will be required to fill your Advance Level (A-Level) or Ordinary Level (O-Level) index numbers, which will give no chance to those who failed,” he said.
It is also meant to put in check anyone using fake certificates as the system is connected directly to the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training to detect and recognize the index numbers.
However, this will ensure the Council achieves its core function of making sure the technical colleges produce qualified products at the end of the training. The NACTE online system is expected to waive the costs that applicants were incurring during admission time.

The cost effective system will help applicants to save 10,000/- to 15,000/- they were spending on buying application forms at various colleges, and the application process time will be reduced.
Even more important to note is that double admission will have no chance in this system and more students are expected to have the opportunity to achieve their dreams. According to Nacte during the conventional system or filling forms days, one applicant
could have been selected in more than two colleges, hence distort the admission opportunities which deprived some potential candidates from gaining admission. Most important, perhaps, students will be assured of enrolling only in accredited institutions.
Given that there are a number of unregistered technical colleges which do not meet standards and therefore provides mediocre education. The consequences are based on producing tutorial assistants who are incompetent, due to the poor learning environment that these graduates have gone through including lack of teaching aids.

Therefore under the new order only those recognized technical colleges which meet the standards will be in the list of school choices so as to save parents and students from travelling from one college to another searching for better and quality education.
This occurs when such substandard colleges are banned or shutdown which brings a lot of inconvenience to the parents in terms of finances and time.

Regarding further benefits of using the system, the acting executive secretary, said it will also help the government to have accurate data on students securing admission to different institutions and identify with ease those who are qualified.
Manpower in any industrialised country is as important as the capital itself, therefore, if we have plan of being industrialized country we need to produce more technicians and engineers to run the industries machines and through CAS it is easy for the government to know number of technicians to help in its development plans.
The enrollment through the newly introduced electronic system will start effective 2016/2017 academic year. “We would like to announce that, application for certificate and diploma programmes by using CAS will officially start through our website www.nacte.,” he said the Nacte boss.
In another effect, the system will be used in applying and coordinating training programmes for all institutions registered with Nacte. The new system was developed last year and was first used to streamline the admission of students to different colleges for certificate and diploma programmes in health and education colleges.
“The council has been working in collaboration with the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) in coordinating the admission of students to different universities for first degree programmes through the system,” he said.

The launch of the system means that all applications by students must be channelled through CASAs regulator the Council has established a framework that sets the quality standards for all technical education and training institutions.
The framework guides registration and accreditation of institutions and upholds standards in provision of technical education. According to Nacte, currently there are 514 colleges countrywide offering technical education under its supervision.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016



Concept of Citizenship
The term citizenship comes from the word citizen which means a person who is accepted as a member and who belongs to a certain country.

The Meaning of Citizen and Citizenship

Explain the meaning of citizen and citizenship
In Tanzania a person cannot be a citizen of more than one country. Therefore, citizenship is the state of being a citizen of a particular country. A responsible citizen is the one who fulfills the duties and responsibilities of a citizen in his country.

Types and the Importance of Citizenship
Explain types and the importance of citizenship
There are three main types of citizenship - by birth, naturalization registration or by descent.

Citizenship by birth
This is the type of citizenship that most citizens have in a given country. It means, a person has citizenship status simply by being born to parents who are citizens of that country. It is sometimes known as natural citizenship.

 A copy of birth certificate


Citizenship by naturalization/registration
This involves applying to the ministry responsible for granting citizenship status. This is given to those who have been positively accepted by the concerned ministry. For instance, if a non-citizen wishes to become a Tanzanian citizen he or she can apply to the Ministry of Home Affairs for citizenship.

The registration and naturalization, application process
Citizenship by registration is granted directly in Tanzania to any female applicant who is married to a Tanzanian, no matter whether she is from a Commonwealth or non-Commonwealth country. Any citizen of a Commonwealth country may also apply for citizenship by registration. People from non-Commonwealth countries may also apply for citizenship. In order for citizenship to be granted, applicants must meet the following conditions:
1.     Has legally lived in the country for not less than five years continuously.
2.     Able to speak Kiswahili or English fluently.
3.     Well behaved; that means does not found engaging in criminal offenses.
4.     Make an oath denouncing his or her previous citizenship.
5.     Promise to be a good citizen and to be loyal to the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. These conditions are also applicable to women married to Tanzanian citizens.
Citizenship by descent
A person who was born outside the country, but whose parents are citizens of Tanzania by birth or naturalization, can also apply for citizenship to the minister of Home Affairs.

Loss of citizenship in Tanzania
In Tanzania one can lose citizenship status on three grounds;
1.     If a Tanzanian citizen holds dual nationality; that is, if is a Tanzanian citizen at the same time a member of another country or other countries.
2.     If one denounces his/her Tanzanian citizenship.
3.     If one obtained his/her citizenship by fraud. Note: There are some cases where a person can be a citizen of two countries (dual citizenship). In Tanzania, this is not applied to date, but there is a move to dual citizenship in Tanzania.
Importance of citizenship
Citizenship is important as a citizen receives legal rights for being a member to a certain country, and is protected as a citizen of that country. It is also the legal way of being recognized as a person belonging to a particular country, and the country receives loyalty from its citizens.
Additionally a person gains legitimacy to involve in decisions in the country; for instance, citizens vote for leaders or can be voted for as leaders. A country can also impose its authority upon its citizens to carry out its policies for the development of the nation. Finally, a country gets revenue from its citizens through taxes paid by them.

Activity 1

1. Ask your fellow students, what type of citizenship they are?2 What type of your citizenship?
Citizenship Responsibilities
Responsibilities to Special Groups Including HIV/AIDS Victims