Friday, July 25, 2014


Have you ever noticed how some people have the ability to captivate absolutely anyone? No matter what they look like or how much money they have, these people can just walk into a room and instantly be the center of attention. When they leave, people want to emulate them. That's charisma — a sort of magnetism that inspires confidence and adoration. Like beauty, luck, and social position, charisma can open many doors in life. However, while these other qualities may be difficult to attain, anyone can be more charismatic. Just follow these easy tips to learn how.


  1. 1
    Exude confidence. Charisma isn't the same thing as confidence, but appearing confident can make you more charismatic because your confidence will put others at ease and inspire faith in your abilities. If people see you as a confident person, they will naturally want to be around you. Here's how to be confident:
    • Be positive. Confident people are generally positive because they love who they are and what they do. Don't start off a conversation by criticizing another person, place, or political figure. Instead, focus on the things you love, which will engage people and make them want to be around you. If you come off sounding like you hate everything that comes your way, people will worry that your negative vibe will rub off on them.
    • Speak with confidence. Speaking with confidence doesn't mean talking more than everyone else, or louder than everyone else. Say something important and say it with conviction. Speak at a relaxed pace and speak clearly. Vary your tone, rhythm, volume, and pitch to emphasize your most important words and to keep your speech interesting. To practice speaking with confidence, you can record yourself speaking, and make sure that you sound confident when you talk.
    • To appear confident, you first have to be confident. Truly confident people love who they are, what they do, and what they look like. If you don't feel confident on the inside, work on emphasizing your good qualities, addressing your flaws, and improving your appearance to show that your looks matter to you.
      • Remember that if you're still working on developing your inner confidence, having a confident voice, clothes, and body language can go a long way in making people think you are confident.
  2. 2
    Show charisma through your body language. Your body language can say a lot about how you feel about yourself, and can help you seem more approachable to others. The wrong body language can make you look shy or indecisive, so it's important to move in a way that shows you're confident, engaged, and alive. Here's how to do it:
    • A charismatic person stands tall and walks with steady, determined strides. They walk into a room of strangers with pride, ready to embrace a new opportunity. They also gesture with their hands instead of crossing them over their chest.
    • Improve your posture. Nothing conveys confidence like good posture. Stand or sit up straight, but not rigidly. When you meet someone, give a firm handshake and look the other person in the eye. Display positive body language while you're talking to someone or even when you're just waiting around. Sit facing the person or people you're talking to, uncross your legs and arms, and keep your hands away from your face. Look at ease, and don't fidget or convey nervousness.
    • Think about your own gestures. When you speak, does your body language back you up, or do you look nervous, uncaring, or bored? If you're passionate about something, do your gestures communicate this?
    • Practice in a mirror. Watch yourself in the mirror and give a speech or even pretend to hold a conversation. What are your eyes doing? How about your hands? Do you look like the shifty politician or the charismatic one? Could someone know what emotion you're trying to convey even if they couldn't hear you? Practice regularly, and make note of what you need to improve.
    • Mimic the body language of those you are conversing with, so that you can get closer to them in a non-verbal fashion. If someone is gesturing a lot, you can join in, while if a person is more reserved, you shouldn't gesture too wildly.
    • Look people in the eye when you're talking to them. Don't stare them down, but don't glance around the room or look everywhere but at them. Engage them with your eyes, not just your voice. Don't check your phone, your watch, or look around for other people to talk to because you won't appear engaged.
    • Watch how other people gesture. Notice how some speakers' gestures appear fake or out of sync with their message. These people come off looking shifty or uncertain as a result. Other speakers use body language exceptionally well. These are generally the more effective communicators and appear more trustworthy and competent. These people are often successful actors, religious leaders, and pundits. Look for good and bad examples of the use of body language. Pay attention, and learn.
    • Smile genuinely when you greet someone. Your smile should say that you're excited about getting to know them.
  3. 3
    Make people feel special. No matter whom you're talking to, you should always try to charm that person and make them feel like the only person in the world. To have true charisma, you should be able to talk to anyone about any topic, and be a good and attentive listener. Here's how to do it:
    • Be anyone's equal. If you're talking to a potential employer, a group of wealthy donors, a child, a stranger, or an attractive guy or girl, for example, don't put them on a pedestal or talk down to them. Be respectful of other people, but respect them as equals, and expect that they will accept you as such.
    • Show an interest in people's lives. Without being nosy, ask people questions about their lives, their background, or their opinions on certain matters. Make them feel that what they've done matters, and that you value their thoughts.
    • Listen actively when others speak. Give someone your full attention when they are speaking to you. Nod in agreement or make brief interjections, such as "I see," or "Okay," to assure the person that you are listening and you're interested in what they have to say. A brief touch on the upper arm can emphasize your agreement or empathy with something someone says, and it can make the person feel connected to you.
    • Learn and remember people's names and address people by their names. This will make you more likely to remember that person's name when you see them again.
    • Compliment people freely, but genuinely, and accept compliments graciously and without any fuss.
    • Remember that being charismatic isn't the same as pleasing people. Charismatic people don't care about what others think. They are just totally charming and charismatic on their own.
  4. 4
    Be witty. A truly charismatic person should be able to make people laugh without trying too hard. Part of being a person who everyone wants to be around is engaging a group of people in laughter and jokes. You should be able to charm people with your sense of humor. Here's how to do it:
    • Learn to laugh at yourself. If you learn to poke fun at yourself, people will be charmed at how confident you are and will be more comfortable around you. You don't have to be self-deprecating to show that you're aware of your flaws, and to let people join in on laughing at them. Being able to pull this off is a sign of having true charisma.
    • Learn to joke around with a variety of people. You should be attuned to the sense of humor of the person or group of people you're talking to. If you're talking to people with a raunchy or slightly offensive sense of humor, don't be afraid to play ball. However, if you're around an older or more sensitive crowd, then tone down your humor and stick to short and inoffensive jokes. When you're with a new person, be conservative at first. You don't want to risk offending or turning a person off with an inappropriate joke.
    • Don't try too hard to be funny. You don't have to make a joke every five seconds to be a witty person. The well-timed joke can go a long way. Value quality over quantity, and focus on making just a few jokes over the course of a conversation.
    • Learn to tease people. If you're comfortable with someone and are already on your way to charming them, you can learn to joke around by teasing that person a little bit. This can bring you closer to the person and can show that you don't take anything too seriously. Just make sure it's a person who is amenable to your jokes.
  5. 5
    Be engaging. To be truly charismatic, you need to be able to not only impress, charm, and listen to a group of people, but you should be a person who is good at engaging others and always has something interesting to say, so people will naturally gravitate toward you. Here's how you do it:
    • Be versatile. A truly charismatic person should be able to speak to a variety of people about a variety of topics. You should be well-read, read the newspaper every day, and have a variety of interests, such as foreign languages or modern art, so you can discuss these topics with anyone.
    • You can work on being well-rounded and knowing a little bit about politics, history, science, and literature, so you can tailor the conversation to the individual you're speaking to.
    • Think before you speak. Reduce the fluff and filler material in your daily communications. Try to make every word count, and think about how you're going to phrase something before you open your mouth. If you don't have something important to say, remain silent. It may seem surprising, but limiting the amount you talk will make what you have to say more interesting.
    • Get in touch with your emotions. Research has shown that people who are generally believed to be charismatic feel emotions strongly, and they are also able to relate to what others are feeling. Don't be afraid to feel anger, pain, sadness, or elation, and don't be afraid to communicate your emotions in an appropriate manner.
    • Put it all out there. People tend to hide thoughts and feelings from each other without any bad intentions, but everyone warms up to someone who is totally honest without being awkward or weird. If you can communicate honestly and help people open up, you'll be on your way to being charming. Of course, there are a few exceptions; don't say anything that will make people feel uncomfortable or want to back away from you.


  • Developing charisma is an art. The general guidelines above can help you be more charismatic, but your charisma must come from within you and must reflect you as an individual or it will appear fake. Fortunately, everyone has the ability to be charismatic, and it simply needs to be coaxed out. Practice and take note of what works and what needs improvement.
  • Be honest. People don't like 'sheep'; people who suck up to others and are afraid to give honest opinions, on the other hand don't be frank. Charismatic people don't offend others, they give honest opinions without making someone feel bad about themselves.
  • Take an acting class. Actors and charismatic people use the same techniques to captivate their audience and evoke emotion.
  • Join a Toastmasters Club to develop communication and leadership skills with others who have similar interests.
  • Don't try to fake charisma. You can learn charisma, but trying to be charismatic without practice can make you seem bizarre and untrustworthy.
  • Success requires more than charisma. If you don't have the skills or dedication to do what you set out to do, you will most likely fall short.


5 Qualities of Charismatic People. How Many Do You Have?

Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama have it. Their husbands also have it. The “it” is charisma. Girls and women talk about the power of charisma – how they want it and how they admire it. Like this response from a 17-year-old girl when I asked her why Hillary Clinton and Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, are on her top 10 list of women she admires: “They are charismatic. Who wouldn’t want to look up to a charismatic person?!”
And who wouldn’t want to be charismatic? Synonyms for charisma are alluring, bewitching, captivating, fascinating, charming, enchanting, engaging, magnetic and seductive. Charisma is powerful and charismatic people can make others “drink the Kool-Aid.” When possessed by people like Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson, charisma is dangerously powerful. But when it’s used for good, the Kool-Aid is really sweet.
Let’s do a quick word association. Close your eyes and think of the word Charismatic. What famous people pop into your head? The first five people who pop into my head are Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Gloria Steinem, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. They are followed by Meryl Streep, Diane Keaton, Oprah, Steve Jobs and George Clooney.
This word association led me to this question: Can someone be charismatic to me, but not to you? I thought about the Beatles. When they arrived in the US in 1964, the Beatles were high on the charisma chart for girls, but low for parents. They had a ‘mop-top’ charisma. They were playful, ‘fit together’ and every girl thought I Want To Hold Your Hand was written just for her. The Beatles were mesmerizing to girls, but not so appealing to parents.
Why are some people charismatic and others are not? Are we born charismatic or do we cultivate it? And once you have it, can you lose it?
To dig deeper into the mysteries about charismatic people and to find answers to my questions, I went to Joyce Newman, President of the Newman Group. Joyce leads high level media, speaker and executive presence sessions for top executives, celebrity spokespersons, athletes and authors. Her clients include Booz Allen Hamilton, NARS Cosmetics, Hearst Magazines, Maybelline New York and Skadden, Arps. Joyce helps people find their personal style and tune into and turn on their charisma. Joyce shares her insights on charisma and how to be a charismatic person:
Everyone can be charismatic. We are not born charismatic – we cultivate it in many ways. One way is by observing and learning from people who you think are charismatic. You don’t need to copy them, but learn their secrets, try them on and fine-tune them until they fit you. It’s a trial and error process. Bad news is that once you have your charismatic status, you can lose it. Just look at Mel Gibson and Lindsay Lohan. But here’s the good news – if you lose it, with self awareness and effort, you can regain your charismatic ranking.
Here are 5 important qualities of a charismatic person – how many do you have?
1) Be Self Confident
Like yourself. It’s much easier for others to like you if you like yourself.
Be optimistic. Keep your glass half-full. Be enthusiastic.
Be comfortable with who you are. Be consistent.

Hold your own. Think Sheryl Sandberg – she holds her own in a male dominated geeky world and is still feminine. She knows herself and isn’t trying to be someone else.

Don’t: Trot out all your issues. No one wants to be with Debbie Downer. We all have problems, but compartmentalize them, park them in a corner and bring them out for close friends and family.
2) Tell Great Stories
“The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.” (Muriel Rukeyser, Poet and Activist)
Speak with conviction. Use words like “I am sure” vs. tentative words like “I think, I hope and I feel.”
Be tuned into humor. Self-deprecating humor can included – it’s ok to tell a story about an embarrassing moment.
Be relevant. Know what’s happening in the world and around you. People want to be with people who are in the know.
Don’t: Confuse humor with bad joke telling. Don’t self-deprecate yourself out of the conversation. Don’t put yourself down so much that it takes away from who you are.
3) Body Speak
Be open and approachable. Gracious and graceful.
Walk up to someone, smile, make eye contact, shake hands. Introduce yourself by saying your name, “Hi, I’m Ann, Ann Roberts.” That way people hear your voice twice.
Own the room when you walk into it. Think President Obama when he walks to the podium. Get your own personal swagger.
Don’t: Overdo it. When you smile, be authentic. If your smile is not in your eyes, people will know you’re faking it.
4) Make The Conversation About The Other Person
Let the world revolve around the person you’re talking to.
Make the person feel like they are the only person on the planet at that time.
Immediately put others at ease and make them feel comfortable with you.
Don’t: Let your ego drive the conversation. We all have egos. If your ego is in overdrive, check it at the door.
5) Be A Good listener
You can’t remember everything, but remembering someone’s name is a biggie. Here’s a trick: When you are introduced to a person, immediately repeat their name. Example: “Amanda, it’s so nice to meet you.”
Listen with interest. Pay attention. Engage. Be empathetic.
Don’t: When you’re talking with someone at an event, do not check your cell phone or look around the room to see if someone more important is there. If you want to find someone more important, make the conversation brief and move on graciously.
Are you charismatic? How many of the 5 qualities do you have? What about your co-workers, boss, spouse, friends and family – how many qualities do they have?
Want to improve your charismatic rank? It’s never too late. Just cultivate it.


Learn How to Develop Charisma That Attracts Women

Everyone tells us that we need charisma in order to be successful in life, especially with women. Every man (and woman for that matter) wants to learn how to develop charisma.
There are many factors when learning how to develop charisma. Knowing and being aware of these elements will give you an advantage. Some people say that charisma cannot be taught, and they may be right. Some people are already charismatic but don’t know how to get charisma. Read articles by those who had to work on charisma rather than those who are naturals.
Learning how to get charisma can be explained but it is up to you to tailor it to fit your personality. I know that a lot of people think that charisma and personality are one in the same, but they are very wrong.
I am going to illustrate some of the most important concepts when it comes to being charismatic, and it is up to you to go out and use it. Knowing the framework of something helps and if you’re serious enough, putting some "meat on the bones" of that framework will soon follow if you are persistent.
Presence is the first thing I’m going to talk about and could be the most important tip when learning how to develop charisma. You need presence if you are looking to attract anyone. If nobody notices you, nobody will want to meet you. It may seem simple, but you’d be surprised how many people ignore it.
You want everyone to notice you, and not in a bad way. When you walk into a room full of people, pause near the entrance and and look around, making as much eye contact as you can. By doing this people will notice you and being noticed, as I mentioned earlier, and this has to be your main goal.
Accomplishing a powerful presence doesn’t have to be that difficult. Even shy people can do this because presence has a lot more to do with how you carry yourself than what you say. Learning some quick tips on how to emanate presence and a confident, secure aura does take practice, but a lot less than learning how to talk to someone.
I once read that "motion dictates emotion." What this means is that however you carry yourself directly affects how you feel. And if you are always looking down, barely keeping your torso erect, guess what? People are going to think you’re insecure and/or depressed. Chances are, if you do walk around like this, you are at least one of the two. So let’s fix that.
Always stand tall and with your head up. People who do this are taken way more seriously and will receive a lot more respect than someone who doesn’t. It tells people that you are ready to face anything that comes your way and women in particular find this very, very attractive.
Smile. That’s right. Smile with sincerity and do it as often as is necessary. When someone smiles, they immediately signal confidence and high self-esteem. It prevents people from thinking you’re an ego maniac and will make you far more approachable. Why screw up your chances by looking too serious?
You don’t want to smile all the time, though. Doing this will make you look fake, and in some case, weird. I remember a guy once who smiled all the time and everyone around the office would call him "chick lets". Don’t be that guy.
Have manners. Be very careful not to offend people. Someone who cares about others feelings, cares about themselves. You don’t want to create a confident presence only to shatter it with bad manners.
Consider what you’re saying before you say it. Doing so will prevent you from putting your foot in your mouth, something most guys do. It will also keep you from talking too much. Sure, you may have the presence of a confident, secure man, but it takes only a little bit to change this into a cocky, self-absorbed guy.
Thinking before you speak will also make you a better conversationalist. When you approach a woman, you absolutely MUST have some conversation skills. Why would any woman be with a guy who is boring and uninteresting? I don’t think you want a woman like that, so don’t be that type of man.
When talking with a woman, ask her about herself. Don’t get personal, just be interested in who they are how they developed into the person they are today. Women love talking, especially about themselves. It makes them feel better, and it is your job to link this feeling with your presence.
Conditioning is a very popular psychological method used by the best seducers. Linking pleasure and a good time to yourself will have women thinking about you long after you meet. You want to create positive associations and doing so will make people want to spend more time with you. See how important this is when dealing with women?
A popular method when it comes to women is asking open questions. Instead of "do you come here often", ask " what is a girl like you doing in a place like this?" A simple change is how you ask questions can go a long way and is the difference between a simple yes or no answer that will leave you stuck on what to say next and losing her interest.
A good conversationalist is someone who listens and understand the other person they are talking to. I stress all over this website how important it is to educate yourself when it comes to anything you want to learn, whether it be fitness, health, or seduction. Knowing more about the woman you are chatting with will make her feel special and will give her the impression that you care about her.
Be a smooth, cool, and patient man. Don’t run around like a headless chicken, rushing to do things and worrying about what to do next. It will make you look like you’re out of control and indecisive. It will also make others around you feel nervous and uncomfortable. Not the things you are looking to achieve when trying to meet or seduce women. Would a woman want a guy who she can’t keep up with, is indecisive, and makes her stressed? No.
Patience is a virtue. Give people the impression that you are someone who knows that everything falls into place effortlessly. Never let anyone see you sweat or they will detect weakness and insecurity. After all, if you’re not patient in your everyday activities, what’s to say you won’t be the same when it comes to relationships? Patience is crucial to a relationship and women understand this more than men do.
Don’t be the typical guy. You want to distance yourself from that category as soon as you can. If something or someone is different, people are drawn to them. Mystery gets women all the time, and if they see that you don’t fit the type that they’ve seen before, they’ll want to get to know you. People are curious, so use this to your advantage.
Again, I cannot say this enough. Saying less is far more effective than saying too much. Give people the desire to see you again and learn more about you. Create anticipation and have people wonder what you are about to do next. Doing this will have everyone around you pay more attention to you, and this is what you want.
When you are in a conversation, morph into the person they need to be around. The more you listen to a woman, the more you’ll know what they are looking for. Never argue with women. Arguing is an unattractive personality trait that nobody wants to be around.
Compliment people with deserving flattery. Flattery is not trying to convince someone that they are something they are not. It reassures them of things they already know. Say a woman has beautiful eyes. Tell her! She probably already knows this and hearing it from a man will make her crave more. If she has a big nose, don’t tell her that you think it’s cute. Not only will she not believe you, she’ll probably feel even worse by you bringing it up.
Don’t make jokes about someone else’s appearance or their beliefs. You must be understanding. Don’t get me wrong, being understanding doesn’t mean being impressionable. Agreeing to everything someone says is definitely not the answer. Instead, give your point of view in a diplomatic manner and always be open to new ideas. Challenge people, but not in an aggressive way. If you disagree with someone, confidently express your views and allow them to decide whether they are wrong or not. If you do this, they will be more likely to accept and respect your thoughts.
Without charisma you will be hard pressed attracting anyone. It will also cut the work load later on when you begin applying the seduction and dating tips I will write about. Remember that seduction is a tool to use only after you’ve accomplished attraction. Being charismatic will take some effort, but it is well worth it.